Changes of 2020 in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania
Covid-19 has also bring some amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania, Law No. 7895, date 27.1.1995, which include in addition to the penalties provided for those who break the quarantine provided for COVID-19 also domestic violence.
The changes approved by the Albanian Parliament are as follows:
Article 130 / a
Domestic violence
Beating, as well as any other act of physical, psychological violence against a person who is a spouse, ex-spouse, cohabitant or ex-cohabitant, close gender (prenatal, postnatal, brothers, sisters, uncles, mothers, grandchildren, nieces and nephews), or spouse relative (father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, bride, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepfather and stepmother), or in a relationship or a former intimate relationship with the perpetrator, resulting in a violation of his physical, psycho social and economic integrity, is punishable by up to three years in prison.
Serious threat of murder or grievous bodily harm to a person who is a spouse, ex-spouse, cohabitant or ex-cohabitant, close gender (prenatal, postnatal, brothers, sisters, uncles, mothers, grandchildren, nieces and nephews), or spouse relatives (father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, bride, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepfather and stepmother), or in a relationship or a former intimate relationship with the perpetrator, resulting in violation of his mental integrity, is punishable with imprisonment of up to four years.
Intentional injury to a person who is a spouse, ex-spouse, cohabitant or former cohabitants, close gender (prenatal, postnatal, brothers, sisters, uncles, mothers, grandchildren, nieces and nephews), or spouse relatives (father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, bride, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepfather and stepmother), or in a relationship or a former intimate relationship with the perpetrator, which has caused temporary incapacity for work for more than nine days, is punishable with imprisonment of up to five years.
The same offenses, committed repeatedly, or in the presence of children, are punishable by one
up to five years in prison. ”
Article 242 / a
Failure to implement the measures taken of the state authorities during the state of emergency or during the state of the epidemic
Failure to implement or the performing of actions contrary to the legal or sub-legal acts issued by the state bodies, in function of the state of the epidemic or the state of extraordinary measures by the person against whom an administrative measure has been previously imposed constitutes a criminal offense and is punishable by a fine or imprisonment of up to six months.
The same act, when committed in the exercise of commercial activity, endangering the health of people, is punishable by a fine or imprisonment of up to two years. Failure to comply with the order given by the competent authorities for quarantine or isolation, or violation of the rules of quarantine or isolation by the person carrying or not of the infectious disease, to whom this obligation has been notified by the relevant state authorities, is punishable by imprisonment from two to three years.”
Article 89 / b
Dissemination of infectious diseases
Deliberate spread of infectious disease with high health risk, by actions or omissions committed by a person diagnosed as a carrier of the disease or by a person who intends to spread it, is punishable by imprisonment from two to five years.
When this offense is committed through negligence, it is punishable by a fine or up to two years in prison.
This same act, when it has caused serious consequences for the health or life of people, is punishable by three to eight years in prison.